Anna Beckham
Licensed Professional Counselor
Courage starts with letting ourselves be seen. - Brené Brown

EMDR is an evidence-based approach for children, adolescents, and adults that supports healing in physical sensations, cognitive distortions, and the belief system. When our bodies and brains haven't naturally digested and healed from adverse experiences, it can look and feel as if the past clings onto our present moment and future goals. We all have an inherent systematic process that encourages healing and the EMDR approach connects with that inner intelligence, facilitating movement toward healing. Length of time depends on the needs of each person. See "Resources" tab for informative articles and a list of studies with the effect of EMDR on emotional arousal, imagery vividness, attentional flexibility, retrieval, distancing and memory association.
Depending on the unique needs of each person, I often will include aspects from each therapeutic modality as listed:
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing
Ego State Therapy
Internal Family Systems
Person Centered Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (Informed)
Solution Focused
Motivational Interviewing
Family Systems
TF-CBT is an evidence based treatment modality intended for children and adolescents who experience adverse experiences. This is intended to be completed in roughly 18-24 weekly sessions. Sessions are caregiver/family focused, structured, and skills based. See "Resources" tab for a list of studies discussing the use of TF-CBT on developmental trauma.
Individual therapy is a meaningful process of sensing and developing the relationship between you and your inner knowing. You may feel a calling for something to be different, digging your heals in time of transition, or merely have a small part of yourself that is curious about living a quality life, enhancing relationships, or exploring change. You maybe sitting in heavy, sophisticated grief. It is an option for those who feel hijacked by the past, for those who experience emotional hardship, and for those who just want someone to talk to for reflective feedback and assistance with problem solving. The relationship we build will be the agent of change, and my hope is that we venture into a space of courage. Where you go I will follow.
Research reports that the human brain does not fully develop until your mid-20's and into your early 30's. This means that a person may not be consistent with their values or their belief system until their brain has developed. Navigating though the waters of your 20's can be unfulfilling or may feel confusing because of the profound and life-impacting decisions that are required. This dissonance with development and cultural expectation can lead to feelings of worry, frustration, pressure, or confusion. It can look like a lack of motivation, impulsivity, poor judgement, peer pressure, a lack of decision-making, and numbing through technology or other means.
This is an important and unique time in human development where adolescents are faced with the intimidation of peer pressure, body changes, and fluidity in the evolution of identity. It is also a time where adolescents and parents may get frustrated with one another, tension may build and explode per the course, and resolution is rare. Teenagers may fight for freedom, and parents may unintentionally reinforce undesired behaviors. Maybe your teenager is self-harming, and as a parent, you are unsure of how to handle this. Whatever situation you are going though, my approach to adolescent therapy is inclusive of the family system.
The clinician’s being (or Being) is the most important instrument that is used in session. It is essential for the therapist to maintain a willingness to explore the depths of our client’s darkness and the intensity of their light. Countertransference, triggers, and being a living breathing human being can feel like a lot energy to hold. This can create felt barriers in and out of session. When we embody courage and vulnerability ourselves, it can help to enhance an open path to relationship when we come from a place of authentic empathetic understanding.